>if the spirit (of class war) explodes, then money would be found to cool
>it down. a scenario - a strike (it might have to be illegal) that shut
>down GM before they could spin off GMAC, and that lasted long enough to
>exhaust GM's cash hoard, would be a threat to the whole wobbling USer
>credit structure. then either the government does a lockheed/chrysler
>whatever with public money to buy off the Delphi and GM workers or the
>strikers bring down the temple samson style.
Isn't this an individualist solution to a huge collective political problem? Why isn't the UAW pushing for national health insurance and an end to pension chicanery? Why aren't they, as Sam Gindin suggested, pushing for more innovation by the US auto industry? Are the members too fond of their SUVs? At this rate, GM is going to fade away.