--- Michael Pollak <mpollak at panix.com> wrote:
> > The 88th aniversary of the October Revolution --
> which occurred in
> > November by the Western calendar.
> and which just this year in Russia has been changed
> to "National Liberation
> from Poland" day.
> Ah, those Poles. They have been such oppressors of
> their neighbors :o)
Technically it was the Poles, Swedes and those seemingly ever-present Cossacks with the wicked False Dmitry. I would guess that event was chosen since it falls around the same day as Revo Day.
Revo Day hasn't been Revo Day for some time -- it was changed to Day of Agreement and Reconciliation.
I must admit that I miss Revo Day, but really having a holiday commemorating something a large minority thinks was bad is kinda silly. It would be like having Burning of Atlanta Day. (The point of the change was to avoid the divisiveness.)
Nu, zayats, pogodi!
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