Welfare-to-work changes draw near
By Misha Schubert, Canberra
Melbourne Age November 10, 2005
Laws introducing the most dramatic overhaul of welfare entitlements....
This combined with "Industrial Relations" reform by the Liberals will turn up the heat on the class struggle. "IR" reform means that you need to sign an individual workplace agreement with your employer. You can refuse, of course, but then you're confronted with the now torn, tearing saftey net. You can also accept your employer's dictums. The culture of wage-slavery in Oz is changing. Howard and his Lib/Nat colleagues are trying to turn Australia into another U.S.A.
Anyway, big nationwide rally against IR reform down here on Tuesday, November 15th. I'll be there on the Perth Esplande along with a lot my class comrades.
Solidarity, Mike B)
Read "The Perthian Brickburner":
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