> And what about
>this statement from Noam?
That's embedded in a rant by a Zionist, which contains this abominable line: "Chomsky, then, sees nothing wrong with denying that the worst crime in human history ever occurred."
Noam isn't above criticism. If I were asked, my problems with him would include: excessive hostility to Marx, his line that the Cold War was mostly about imperialist rivalry rather than being about real issues of property relations, his tendency to overestimate Washington's role in world evil, his anti-theoretical bias, his excessive faith in empiricism, and his inability to admit he was ever wrong. But, that aside, I still admire him tremendously. He's a national treasure. And I find your repeated attacks on him to be pointlessly sectarian. People who go out of their way to hammer Chomsky are mostly scum. Since I like you, Michael, and don't think you're at all scum, it bothers me more that you do it than a shit like Alterman. So why the obsession? No one's perfect. Give it up, man.