>People should of course be aware that Doug Henwood as a WBAI
>programmer has a stake in what happens at KPFA (since both stations
>are partof the Pacifica network and whose fates are linked since the
>local board informs policy decisons at the national level) and is an
>indirect participant in the ongoing drama at KPFA. He is a
>confederate of 'Against the Grain' producer/host Sasha Lilley who
>herself is one of the key dramatis personae and is a regular guest
>on KPFA's Morning Show.
All that is true. Which is why I'm especially concerned to keep the environment as sane as possible. Joseph is part of a contingent at KPFA that wants to expand the power of the local board over what they refer to as "entrenched" staffers. From extended observation of the Pacifica scene for almost 15 years, that prospect frightens me. But I urge all listmembers in the Bay Area to look for themselves and report back.