In my view the main problem facing KPFA in has to do primarily with an inherent conflict between objective differences in staff and listener interests and secondarly with other things like content and some of the race/class contradictions that the left has not yet been able to resolve.. There is always going to be a segment - perhaps even a majority segment of the listeners that are passive and just want to be able to turn to 94.1 FM to seek refuge from the mainstream and are generally happy with what they hear. There is also an active segment of listeners, perhaps a minority, who feel that listeners - KPFA is listener-sponsored - should have some say in what is on the air, and that even if what is on the air is good - there is always room for improvement. The travails of the 1990s activated this latter group (who were mainly responsible for saving the network from the hijackers) who decided in their collective wisdom, that the only way to prevent future subtefuge and make sure that KPFA remains true and accountable to its listeners and its mission to to create democratic Local Station Boards where both staff and listeners have input. (there are 5 staff representatives on the 25 member board). This way you can always throw the bums out (including yours truly) if you don't like the direction in which things are going. Its not perfect, but it is better than the old vanguardist model.
For me, as long the process is democratic, it provides a potentially level playing feild for the many competing visions, rather than letting whoever happens to be on staff pretty much decide everything. I do encourage all of you who can to get involved, run for election to the board or encourage people you know to do so, join committees, etc. Despite all the apparent insanity, its really worth it.
Joe W.
>From: Doug Henwood <dhenwood at>
>Reply-To: lbo-talk at
>To: lbo-talk at
>Subject: Re: [lbo-talk] KPFA (was MALIK RAHIM: Yesterday's Radicals
>Date: Wed, 5 Oct 2005 14:08:13 -0400
>Joseph Wanzala wrote:
>>People should of course be aware that Doug Henwood as a WBAI programmer
>>has a stake in what happens at KPFA (since both stations are partof the
>>Pacifica network and whose fates are linked since the local board informs
>>policy decisons at the national level) and is an indirect participant in
>>the ongoing drama at KPFA. He is a confederate of 'Against the Grain'
>>producer/host Sasha Lilley who herself is one of the key dramatis personae
>>and is a regular guest on KPFA's Morning Show.
>All that is true. Which is why I'm especially concerned to keep the
>environment as sane as possible. Joseph is part of a contingent at KPFA
>that wants to expand the power of the local board over what they refer to
>as "entrenched" staffers. From extended observation of the Pacifica scene
>for almost 15 years, that prospect frightens me. But I urge all listmembers
>in the Bay Area to look for themselves and report back.
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