[lbo-talk] Salon's Advice Columnist: No Sob Sister!

ravi listmail at kreise.org
Mon Oct 24 13:05:23 PDT 2005

At around 24/10/05 9:28 am, Wojtek Sokolowski wrote:
> John Thornton:
>>I personally
>>know people
>>who have lost everything because of circumstance they could not control.
> No doubt. I know such people too. I also know people who lost everything
> because they did not give a shit and preferred to stay home, shoot drugs,
> drink beer, watch tee-vee, and sponge off their relatives and friends - and
> I bet that you know such people as well.
> So what does it tell us? That we need to look at individual cases instead
> of making sweeping generalizations.

Sure, avoid "sweeping generalizations", but I would propose that individual cases can be examined better when a general framework is available. To put it another way, what the above tells us is the old adage about "the plural of anecdote is not data" and it would be valuable to examine the data.

To respond to your wager (in the first paragraph) I actually do not know a single person who stays at home, shoots drugs, etc and sponges off relatives. I know many who struggle in multiple ways to keep their families afloat ... yes often relying on assistance from family, but as a last resort and with much shame.


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