andie nachgeborenen wrote:
>>I know Chertoff slightly. I think he's being honest. I
>>doh't think he'd tell what he thought to be a lie if
>>prompted ina briefing. He was, among other things, a
>>(really good) US Attorney and a federal appellate
>>judge, two things that give one an allergy to bald
>>faced lying.
>Justin, what he's saying just isn't credible. Precisely what happened
>in NO was widely forecast. FEMA had to have known it. How could he
>say that they had no idea of the suffering in the convention center
>when it had been all over the TV for days? If he's not lying, he's an
>idiot, and you can't be an idiot and be a US attorney, can you?
In my limited experience, prosecutors don't need to lie, because the police have already done it for them--but perhaps I'm a cynic.
John A
see me fulminate at