[lbo-talk] Evacuating half a million people

John Adams jadams01 at sprynet.com
Tue Sep 6 13:12:46 PDT 2005

-----Original Message----- From: John Lacny <jlacny at earthlink.net>

> I'm having a hard time
comprehending how anyone can react to all of this without the incandescent rage and hatred that this criminal spectacle ought to provoke.

Shorter Lacny: Don't get even, just get mad.

What makes you think I'm not mad? I'm still trying to find people I know there, but this objectively pro-Bush bullshit--and in this context, that's what it is, watch and listen to the wingers and see--also pisses me off.

Jumping jeebus--I just used the word "objectively" like I swore I never would. I think it's time to take a time out, especially since I keep changing the epithet that comes between "What makes you think I'm not mad" and "?".


John A

see me fulminate at http://www.jzip.org/

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