> A few weeks ago I was taking a Greyhound bus from Baltimore to Harrisburg,
> PA. About 30 or so minutes after departing from Baltimore Travel Plaza, the
> driver suddenly got off the interstate and returned to the Travel Plaza,
> where he pickup up somebody who appeared as his buddy. As a result we were
> about 1 hour late - but not a word of explanation was uttered.
Greyhound simply sucks. I've had some uneventful trip between DC and Philly, but the service just sucks. Thank god I finally have a car again.
True story: A couple of years ago a friend of mine was waiting on a NYC subway platform with friends. They overheard this woman talking to her friend about a recent bus trip. It seems that she had taken one of ANSWER's protest buses to Washington, DC in order to do a bit of shopping. She wasn't interested in the protests, only in a cheap shopping trip to DC.
Perhaps we should put ANSWER in charge of Greyhound. That would improve public transit and get them out of activism. ;-)