[lbo-talk] juicing up oil production

Leigh Meyers leighcmeyers at gmail.com
Mon Sep 12 20:31:34 PDT 2005

> Shell's ingenious approach to oil shale is pretty slick
> Linda Seebach

Yeah, really slick. As a matter of fact, downright greasy.

a.. containing an unusual amount of grease or oil; "greasy hamburgers"; "oily fried potatoes"; "oleaginous seeds"

a.. smeared or soiled with grease or oil; http://www.google.com/url?sa=X&start=0&oi=define&ei=00UmQ6WtD8iYsgH_tLSFAQ&sig2=ZD7CjSBczc37n2LH-_Qn6w&q=http://wordnet.princeton.edu/perl/webwn%3Fs%3Dgreasy

It all sounds so... dirty. Why don't we just destroy the cars?

Mon, Sep. 05, 2005

Vandals torch hundreds of vehicles around Rome

Courtesy of San Jose Mercury-News


New York Times

ROME - Arsonists have descended on Rome, and no one knows quite how to stop them. Nearly every night for the past two months, they have set fire to parked cars and motor scooters throughout the city, leaving close to 260 incinerated metal carcasses. On many mornings, the television news programs run apocalyptic images of firebombed vehicles.

The police say the vandals, whose identity and motives remain a mystery, usually douse tires and car hoods with gasoline or oil, ignite the fire, then slip away into the darkness. The Italian press calls them pyromaniacs and ``nerone,'' a nod to the mad Roman emperor Nero, who, legend has it, ``fiddled'' while his city burned on another summer night in the year AD 64. Many people say the culprits are wanton young hooligans.

So far, there has been one arrest -- a 26-year-old Roman who admitted to setting several fires -- and a 21-year-old man who was under investigation said he started two fires. This weekend, a 36-year-old Algerian man was also arrested, a Milan newspaper said.


"How *could* the mother, "Earth" love the white man? Wherever he touches her, she hurts." --Wintu amerindian woman, turn of 20th century

Leigh www.leighm.net

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