My argument is w/Leigh. Knows nothing about Iraq under the Ba'ath (neither really what administrations from JFK onwards did to support, {see the UPI story by Richard Sale I've posted on the list in the past, "American Orientalism, " has the NSC docs from '63 on USG support for the anti-communist Ba'ath, or Roger Morris who was on Nixon's NSC before quitiing over Cambodian incursion] or oppose in other periods the Ba'athist murderers)
Rather doubt he has ever read a book on Iraqi history, or ever will, from any political perspective, whether by a historian like Phoebe Marr or Marion Sluggett or anti-war journalists liie Aaron Glantz, Said K. Aburush or Anthony Shadid. Look at the HRW report on the Anfal campaign? Nah, just slag HRW.
-- Michael Pugliese