Yes. But, as well Daniel Singer, the Deutscherite who evolved beyond the apologetic aspects of Deutscher on the USSR (see Labebz polemic that Deutscher threatened to sue over) by the time of his book, "The Road to Gdansk, " Monthly Review Press, in his opening chapter on Solzhenitsyn is positive.
5.Tony Cliff, The End of the Road: Deutscher's Capitulation to Stalinism, International Socialism, London, 1963/4 ' Bauer and Deutscher both have more in common with 19th century bourgeois liberalism than with revolutionary socialism ... Deutscherism is acceptable to all who defend the status quo'); Julius Jacobson, Isaac Deutscher: The Anatomy of an Apologist, New Politics, New York, 1964 and 1966 (65 pages long, most of it in small print)...Leopold Labedz, Deutscher as Historian and Prophet?, Survey, London, 1962... Labedz, Leopold "Issac Deutscher: Historian, Prophet, Biographer" Survey, Volume 30, Issue # 1-2, March 1988, contained in, "The Use and Abuse of Sovietology, " by Labedz. Solzhenitsyn : a documentary record Harmondsworth, Middlesex, England ; Baltimore : Penguin, 1974. L. Labedz, "Appreciating Milosz," in The Use and Abuse of Sovietology (New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction, 1989), (Milosz fans note letters from and to Milosz from Dwight Macdonald in the Michael Wreszin collection of his letters.) -- Michael Pugliese