"I just read this whole thread, and I'm kind of appalled. It's nice to know the guys can still get together and debate how women should respond to dominant and changing discourses on sex, gender and femininity."
I think most of the men on here weighed in in good faith, knowing there were plenty of women that would either correct them if they were wrong, or respond with their own opinions. I don't think anyone should feel like their sex dis-includes them from the discussion. For my part (if I should indeed feel implicated in your criticism), I just responded with personal experience, but, hell, I'm always open to learning new things, and have been wrong before.
However, teaching a class on something is not necessarily proof that one is an authority in a meaningful way on a particular subject: If I could list all the right-wing teachers I've had, on every subject from History to even English (I'll never forget the time my 1301 Intro to English class was opened with an example of an argumentative essay that was about howcommunism is flawed -- or when a teacher told me CNN stands for "Communist News Network"), I could fill volumes.