[lbo-talk] Antifa Critique of German "Left Party"

Wojtek Sokolowski sokol at jhu.edu
Fri Sep 23 08:37:58 PDT 2005

> Strictly speaking race and racism (as opposed to
> chauvinism or ethnic animosity) are close to being
> meaningless concepts in most of the former Soviet
> states. It's like talking about racism in ancient
> Rome. Race is a European/North American meme. Anyway,

I think the problem you mention is not really related to historical facts (social divisions and inequalities) but to the type of discourse that seems to dominate most public discussions nowadays. This is the discourse of stirring emotions, blame game and populist appeals - as opposed to rational explanations based on empirical analysis of complex phenomena. Concepts like "racism" "fascism" "socialism" (as used by the right) "totalitarianism" etc. do not have any specific empirical meaning - they denote anything that any given speaker wants them to, as it is convenient to his goal. The main usefulness of such concepts is not their clarity or explanatory power - but emotional reactions they evoke in the audience.

To my knowledge, every human society is internally stratified and has upper and lower classes of people. What is more, every human group has developed some pre-conceived notions of other groups, some of it more derogatory than other, some of it based in facts other in pure fabrications, some it malicious other - or perhaps most - based in ignorance. Likewise, Eastern European pogroms, US lynchings or, for that matter Rwandan genocide are different manifestations of the same phenomenon. This is the factual side.

There is also a cultural side of it - or stated differently - a spin that various "holocaust industries" manufacture to score political points by selective blaming other or claiming victim status for themselves. I think that the discussion whether "racism" applies to Russia, whether "pogrom" is uniquely Russian, or for that matter, whether "holocaust" is a uniquely Jewish phenomenon - belongs to that genre.


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