>The odd thing is, the affluent escaping in cars don't seem to be
>much better off than the poor stuck back in Houston. They're
>without fuel, without water, virtually immobile and completely
>exposed should the hurricane strike. Houston Mayor Bill White was
>quoted as saying that "being on the highway is a deathtrap." I
>suppose this is not the appropriate time to savor the irony of
>Houston, a world capital of the petro/auto culture, suffering a
>near-fatal car thrombosis aggravated by an acute gas deficiency.
Not to mention the whole thing, including refinery closures and/or massive damage to same, likely being the consequence of (if some scientists are to be believed) a more intense hurricane caused by a warmer ocean created in large part by the burning of hydrocarbons.
The devastation of NO a divine judgement of a modern day Sodom and Gommorah or targeted punishment for 400 years of treating the environment like giant toilet? I know how Occam's razor would sort this out.
N Paul Childs 5967-157 Avenue Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T5Y 2P3
e-fax 413-683-9725 _______________________________________________________ 'Gee thanks, your validation means oh, so much to me'.
-Art 'Bones' MacDesalavo