BTW, note the irony that the Crimean Tatars are (presumably) the descendents of the Khazars. Also that the Karaite Jews avoided the Holocaust in part because they are so close to the CTs. If one can believe Wikipedia,
SS Obergruppenfuhrer Gottlob Berger wrote on November 24, 1944:
Their Mosaic religion is unwelcome. However, on grounds of race, language and religious dogma... Descrimination against the Karaites is unacceptable, in consideration of their racial kinsmen [Berger was here referring to the Crimean Tatars]. However, so as not to infringe the unified anti-Jewish orientation of the nations led by Germany, it is suggested that this small group be given the opportunity of a separate existence (for example, as a closed construction or labor battalion)...
Nu, zayats, pogodi!
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