>There's a significant difference beteeen Cindy Sheehan and Lyndie
>England. Cindy Sheehan takes responsibility for her own actions, and my
>guess is, Lyndie England never has at any point in her life... Just another
>girl who wanted to be dungeon master but forgot that you aren't supposed
>to smile quite that broadly while holding the leash.
>That's what got her convicted, she looked like she was having
>"too much fun". She was...
>No sympathy for torturers, no matter what the excuse, social
>background, or orders... She had a DUTY, personal or Geneva
>Accords, to refuse illegal orders, and she didn't. TOO BAD!
A slur on dungeon masters, but leave that aside. Lynndie England is reportedly "learning disabled" and depressive. I don't mean to argue that the dim and troubled shouldn't be held responsible for their crimes, but it's unseemly to denounce her with such enthusiasm, while her superiors walk free.