> Letter from webmistress of Suicide Girls explaining
> decision to remove large numbers of photos from site.
> -B.
> http://www.punknews.org/article.php?sid=13930
> While we do not believe any of our images are
> illegal,SG has removed a number of images in order to
> ensure that we are not targeted by the U.S.
> Government's new "War on Porn."
This is pretty sad, but it is also pretty gutless. I've noticed alot of self-censorship on porn sites after the implementation of H.R. 2257 in June, but actually removing photos is pretty extreme.
The government just doesn't have the resources to go after pornography. The government is in a worse position vis a vis porn than FEMA is to the hurricanes. There is so much porn out there now that pornography has become normalized across our society.
My hunch is that the Attorney General will take on several extreme porn sites in hopes of scaring everybody who distributes and enjoys porn. The government will lose the case and in five years we won't have to worry about government censorship.
Still, I really think those of us interested in free speech ought to show some solidarity with sites like Suicide Girls.