"...There is a chocolate-flavoured laxative available on the shelves of US stores which is publicised with the paradoxical injunction: Do you have constipation? Eat more of this chocolate! i.e. eat more of something that itself causes constipation. The structure of the chocolate laxative can be discerned throughout todays ideological landscape; it is what makes a figure like Soros so objectionable. He stands for ruthless financial exploitation combined with its counter-agent, humanitarian worry about the catastrophic social consequences of the unbridled market economy.
Soross daily routine is a lie embodied: half of his working time is devoted to financial speculation, the other half to humanitarian activities (financing cultural and democratic activities in post-Communist countries, writing essays and books) which work against the effects of his own speculations.
The two faces of Bill Gates are exactly like the two faces of Soros: on the one hand, a cruel businessman, destroying or buying out competitors, aiming at a virtual monopoly; on the other, the great philanthropist who makes a point of saying: What does it serve to have computers if people do not have enough to eat?..."
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