[lbo-talk] Hitchens bitch slaps the left!!!!!

B. docile_body at yahoo.com
Fri Apr 14 12:40:46 PDT 2006

Woj, I signed up to it for the reasons you mention. And my post was just saying how disappointed I was that it turned out to be a right-wing place. It's no big conundrum.


Wojtek wrote:

"Out of sheer curiosity, what utility do you obtain from participating in such fora? It is a bona fide question. I participate in, say lbo-talk, because I see certain utility of such participation, such as learning about interesting books or papers, or having someone summarizing complex issues, or learning new things. This utility outweighs the usual tedium of listservers: pettiness, ad hominems, flame wars, inside references and jokes, or trivia. But what utility is there in participating in listservs that on their face appear to offer nothing but such tedium? I mean, do not people have better things to do with their time?"

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