Either the issue was cleared between the time you noticed and posted to LBO and the time I browsed over there or the problem lies with your copy of Firefox (among other possibilities).
As a first step, I suggest clearing your browser's cache.
If you're unfamiliar with how this is done, here's a quick how-to:
>From Firefox...
1.) Go to Tools
2.) Go to options
3.) Click the tab labeled "Privacy" (illustrated with a padlock icon)
4.) Click the "cache" child tab (found below the text which begins "As you browse the web...")
4.) Look towards the lower right-hand portion of the dialog box and find a button labeled "Clear Cache"
5.) Click this button to wipe out Firefox's cache
Reload democracynow.org
I never liked you Rusty...you were always a smart alec, a sass mouth and a bit of a giggle puss.
Dr. Impossible
...................... http://monroelab.net/blog/