Michael Givel wrote:
> there was a well justified denunciation of
> discrimination against Muslims, while this phenomena in the Muslim world was
> not mentioned. It is not like it is a secret as the anti-Holocaust exhibit
> in Iran is big news in places like the New York Times.
What would be the difference in political practice of u.s. leftists if "this phenomena in the Muslim" world were mentioned more often? Why are you so anxious for us to mention it? Are you claiming that our failure to mention it proves that we will support the oppression of Jewish people in the U.S.? Whar are you worried about?
Do you regard politics as just another domain like the NFL, the NBA, MLB, the PGA, etc. where what counts is the way in which the spectators view what's going on out there on the field but do not take part in it.
I really do not understand why anyone on this list is so agonizingly anxious to show that they, for sooth, are not like thos mean Iranians?
Do you want the u.s. to invade Iran and destroy that "anti-Holocaust exhibit in Iran" or will you be satisfied if the U.S. just bombs it out of existence (along with a few hundred thousand of those anti-semitic Iranians.
I take it, in other words, that your approach to politics is as an observer not a participant.