[lbo-talk] Hitch: women aren't funny

Carrol Cox cbcox at ilstu.edu
Wed Dec 6 15:23:55 PST 2006

Dennis Perrin wrote:
> My reply, just posted:

While it was reasonable in context to focus on women comedians, I think we should give at least a a nod to the author of

The Icosasphere

'In Buckinghamshire hedgerows

the birds nesting in the merged green density,

weave little bits of string and moths and feathers

and thistledown,

in parabolic concentric curves'

and, working for concavity, leave spherical feats

of rare efficiency;

whereas through lack of integration,

avid for someone's fortune,

three were slain and ten committed perjury,

six died, two killed themselves, and two paid

fines for risks they'd run.

But then there is the icosasphere

in which at last we have steel-cutting at its

summit of economy,

since twenty triangles conjoined, can wrap one

ball or double-rounded shell

with almost no waste, so geometrically

neat, it's an icosahedron. Would the engineers

making one,

or Mr. J. O. Jackson tell us

how the Egyptians could have set up seventy-eight-

foot solid granite vertically?

We should like to know how that was done.

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