[lbo-talk] Hitch: women aren't funny

Dennis Perrin dperrin at comcast.net
Thu Dec 7 06:36:11 PST 2006

Prof. Cox:

> While it was reasonable in context to focus on women comedians, I think
> we should give at least a a nod to the author of
> The Icosasphere
> 'In Buckinghamshire hedgerows
> the birds nesting in the merged green density,
> weave little bits of string and moths and feathers
> and thistledown,
> in parabolic concentric curves'
> and, working for concavity, leave spherical feats
> of rare efficiency;
> whereas through lack of integration,
> avid for someone's fortune,
> three were slain and ten committed perjury,
> six died, two killed themselves, and two paid
> fines for risks they'd run.
> But then there is the icosasphere
> in which at last we have steel-cutting at its
> summit of economy,
> since twenty triangles conjoined, can wrap one
> ball or double-rounded shell
> with almost no waste, so geometrically
> neat, it's an icosahedron. Would the engineers
> making one,
> or Mr. J. O. Jackson tell us
> how the Egyptians could have set up seventy-eight-
> foot solid granite vertically?
> We should like to know how that was done.

Yes -- I remember when Moms Mabley did this bit on "The Mike Douglas Show". Classic.


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