"gboozell at juno.com" wrote:
> Here's a url on media ownership from Free Press
> http://www.freepress.net/content/ownership
> I think the number of owners is less of a problem
> than the fact that the media landscape is so
> overwhelmingly corporate owned and controlled.
> 50 capitalist owners instead of 10 isn't likely to result
> in much better journalism.
How then were 1000 or 10,000 capitalist owners (almost all a monopoly in their localities) any better than 50. Upton Sinclair in The Brass Check notes that no paper in one large city would print a news story on a rape of a woman by the son of a large department store owner. And I believe that sort of thing would have been quite common at least up to ww2. (I think the city was Pittsburgh -- but my memory is a bit dim from 60 years ago.)