[lbo-talk] Funny Girl

Leigh Meyers leighcmeyers at gmail.com
Wed Jan 18 10:56:06 PST 2006

Sardonic Girls Are Soooo Hot...

Baghdad Burning Wednesday, January 18, 2006

A Tribute to Iraqi Ingenuity...

January 17, 2006 marks the 15th commemoration of the Gulf War in 1991 after Iraq occupied Kuwait (briefly) in 1990. (Or according to American terminology, after Iraq ‘liberated’ Kuwait in 1990.)

For 42 days, Baghdad and other cities and towns were bombarded with nearly 140,000 tons of explosives, by international estimates. The bombing was relentless- schools, housing complexes, factories, bridges, electric power stations, ministries, sewage facilities, oil refineries, operators, and even bomb shelters (including the only baby formula factory in Iraq and the infamous Amirya Shelter bombing where almost 400 civilians were killed).

According to reports and statistics made by the “Iraqi Reconstruction Bureau” and the ministries involved in reconstruction, prior to the 2003 war/occupation, the following damage was done through 42 days of continuous bombing, and various acts of vandalism:

Schools and scholastic facilities – 3960 Universities, labs, dormitories – 40 Health facilities (including hospitals, clinics, medical warehouses) – 421 Telephone operators, communication towers, etc. – 475 Bridges, buildings, housing complexes – 260 Warehouses, shopping centers, grain silos – 251 Churches and mosques – 159 Dams, water pumping stations, agricultural facilities – 200 Petroleum facilities (including refineries) – 145 General services (shelters, sewage treatment plants, municipalities) - 830 Factories, mines, industrial facilities - 120

…And much, much more- including radio broadcasting towers, museums, orphanages, retirement homes, etc. While the larger damage- damage to dams, bridges, warehouses, ministries, food silos, etc.- was done by warplanes and missiles, the damage to smaller facilities was caused largely by vandalism in the south of the country and in areas like Kirkuk. In the south it was mainly the work of the “intifadah” which was initiated by the ‘tawabin’ or “The Repentant” who infiltrated the south from Iran and found supporters inside of the country. (Many of the ‘Tawabin’ are known today as Badir’s Brigade.)

What happened in the south in 1991 is similar to what happened in Baghdad in 2003- burning, looting and attacks. The area fell into chaos after the Republican Guard was pulled out to different governorates for the duration of the war. Meanwhile, the US was bombing the Iraqi army as it was pulling out of Kuwait and the Tawabin were killing off some of the Iraqi troops who had abandoned their tanks and artillery and were coming back on foot through the south. Many of those troops, and the civilians killed during the attacks, looting, and burning, were buried in some of the mass graves we conveniently blame solely on Saddam and the Republican Guard- but no one bothers to mention this anymore because it’s easier to blame the dictator.

But I digress- the topic today is reconstruction. <more> http://riverbendblog.blogspot.com/2006_01_01_riverbendblog_archive.html#113754150457330274

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