Wojtek Sokolowski wrote:
> Travis:
>>The onus is on you to read and evaluate Marxist empirical
>>studies and suggest specifically why they are contradictory
>>or inaccurate. The onus is on you because you claimed they
>>cannot predict anything- well now you say "not much." That
>>is, this is a claim which you must substantiate with
>>evidence. After you have done this let me know and we can
>>have a reasoned debate. Failing this just admit that you are
>>misinformed and we can move on.
>Last time I checked, the onus is to prove that a relationship holds, not to
>disprove it does not. We must be using different textbooks, I suppose.
>So can you do us a public service and list those Marxist predictions that
>were confirmed and those that were not. It should not be difficult for
>someone who believes that Marxism did such a splendid job. Or at least
>point us to a metatheoretical article that does that.