[lbo-talk] OK, Nathan

Carrol Cox cbcox at ilstu.edu
Tue Jan 31 08:00:41 PST 2006

"www.leninology. blogspot.com" wrote:
> Besides, the section of the ruling class that the Democrats represent has
> been shuttling to the right for years, and that has accelerated since 9/11.
> That's why they'd rather keep Bush in power than mount the kind of campaign
> or stink that would arouse potentially uncontrollable and ungovernable
> constituencies.

This says it all. (Earlier l. uses the phrase "selling out," which is an error, since before you can sell out the people you must first be at least nominally on the people's side.)

I really do have trouble understanding the inability of so many leftists to break away from the illusion that the DP can offer even minor reforms under present conditions. The DP has _never_ offered even minor reforms _except_ when threatened with immense mass disturbances. The DP will try to raise the minimum wage -- but only if prices have increased enough to make the nominal raise an actual cut. The DP will _never_ provide protection for abortion providers, and without protection the right to abortion will continue to contract, regardless of SC decisions.


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