-------------- Original message -------------- From: Angelus Novus <fuerdenkommunismus at yahoo.com>
> Steven L. Robinson:
> >Query - whether the imperialisms of the EU, South
> Korea >or Japan are capable of acting against the
> interests or >the expressed wishes of the US.
> Of course. That's exactly what Schroeder's "no" to
> the Iraq war was.
> And as I understand it, the USA was opposed to
> Genscher's push for recognition of Slovenia.
> Just because German imperialism has no hope militarily
> against American imperialism does not mean that they
> are not attempting to pursue their interests against
> American imperialism whenever they have the
> opportunity.
> It is fairly obvious to me that Germany tries to
> secure its interests against Washington by meddling in
> the Latin America backyard, and that Washington is
> doing the same thing by seeking allies in Eastern
> Europe who are natural opponents of German great power
> ambitions.
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