[lbo-talk] anarchist FAQ

Doug Henwood dhenwood at panix.com
Tue Jul 18 15:13:35 PDT 2006

[apropos recent discussions]

An Anarchist FAQ has been updated (version 11.7)

Tenth Anniversary of An Anarchist FAQ!

An Anarchist FAQ has been updated to version 11.7 on the 19th of July, 2006.

"An Anarchist FAQ" is an indepth introduction to anarchist ideas, ideals and history. It explains why anarchism is anti- hierarchy, anti-state and anti-capitalist. It discusses why anarchists oppose the current system, how we plan to change it and what kind of society we want.

"An Anarchist FAQ" can be found at:

www.anarchistfaq.org www.anarchismfaq.org www.anarchyfaq.org www.geocities.com/CapitolHill/1931/

(the last webpage is the old "main" site. If you link to that, could you please change it to www.anarchistfaq.org Thanks!)

"An Anarchist FAQ" links page has over 700 links to anarchist webpages, organisations, books, publishers and much more, it is one of the best places to find out about the on-line anarchist community.

"An Anarchist FAQ" links page can be found at: www.infoshop.org/faq/links.html www.geocities.com/CapitolHill/1931/links.html

So What's New in the FAQ?

Version 11.7

Tenth Anniversary of An Anarchist FAQ! www.infoshop.org/faq/10years.html www.geocities.com/CapitolHill/1931/10years.html 10th anniversary introduction

Section C www.infoshop.org/faq/secCint.html www.geocities.com/CapitolHill/1931/secCint.html Revised introduction to Section C

Section C.1 www.infoshop.org/faq/secC1.html www.geocities.com/CapitolHill/1931/secC1.html Totally revised and expanded revision of section C.1, now entitled "What is wrong with Economics?". Explains why mainstream economics is not a science and not value free as well as how it presents a radically false picture of capitalism.

Section C.2 www.infoshop.org/faq/secC2.html www.geocities.com/CapitolHill/1931/secC2.html Totally revised and expanded revision of section C.2, now entitled "Why is capitalism exploitative?". Explains why anarchists, like other socialists, think capitalism is exploitative. It also critiques many of the standard mainstream economics defences of profit, interest and rent (such as marginal productivity theory, waiting, risk and innovation).

Section C.9.1 www.infoshop.org/faq/secC9.html#secc91 www.geocities.com/CapitolHill/1931/secC9.html#secc91 Addition to the section on "Would cutting wages reduce unemployment?" to note that there is no theoretical or empirical reason to support the standard economic assertion of an upward sloping supply curve for labour and so its arguments on what causes unemployment (i.e. wages being too high).

This is part of the process of getting the FAQ ready for being published by AK Press. Donate to Infoshop.org: http://www.infoshop.org/donate.html

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