[WS:] I do not think anyone is denying this - albeit I do not think that US is more arrogant and self-righteous today than it ever was in the past. All that I am saying is that it is difficult to mobilize people just by complaining about it. One needs to provide a positive alternative if one wants people to abandon the status quo. Complaining and critiquing - which is the main form of political discourse of marginalized groups in this country (not just the left) - simply will not do - it merely sends good vibes to the narrow political market niches these groups cater to.
^^^^^ CB: I agree. In a way, we have a concrete situation that has turned into the opposite of the one in which Engels wrote _Socialism: Utopian and Scientific_. Today, in the U.S., we need a utopian socialist process, the development of new ideas to grip masses.
Venezuela has accomplished much in this area, but the U.S. masses may look down on that country too much to take inspiration from them.