Jenny and Miles, a question. What about some anthropological research that suggests that some groups may not have even understood how reproduction works. That is, they assumed parthenogenesis. I remember reading a few books, years ago, in which it was argued that humans probably didn't know how reproduction worked -- requiring a male and female -- and assumed parthenogenesis.
But I'm not sure how sound that interpretation of anthropological evidence was at the time or if it's been undermined since I read it (would have been the 1989-1991 that I read this material)
At 02:32 AM 6/6/2006, Guest wrote:
> > (I've already said how I
> > think men benefit, not evolutionarily but right now,
> > from the slut charge
> > against women.)
>Really now? Absent the stigma against female
>promiscuity, seems het guys would get laid way more.
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