[lbo-talk] Blogosphere [was Re: Karl Rove Beats The Rap]

Michael Pollak mpollak at panix.com
Sat Jun 17 10:43:55 PDT 2006

On Sat, 17 Jun 2006, Doug Henwood wrote:

>> What is MSM?
> The mainstream media, in blogger-ese. That about which they ceaselessly
> complain, but without which they'd have nothing to say.

It's odd how they misconceive themselves. Contemporary events bloggers aren't reporters. They're opinion columnists. Many of them are good ones and the world is better off that there's so many more of them. But they have exactly the same relation to news gathering as all other columnists and commentators have. It's their raw material.

To be fair, 90% of their denunciations of MSM revolve around its editorial decisions about which stories are important. Which is a judgment any educated reader is qualified to bitch about.


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