[lbo-talk] Blogophobia! (was Re: Blogosphere)

ravi gadfly at exitleft.org
Sun Jun 18 09:41:48 PDT 2006

How does that bit attributed to Gandhi go? First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win?


I have (surprise!) a few more thoughts: when it comes to the term MSM, I think we should differentiate between:

a) News wires like Reuters, AP, etc. Anyone can (theoretically) subscribe to their feeds and publish them (as most MSM do).

b) State funded or otherwise "old school" (as in following the old standards of journalism) non-US outlets like the BBC, Guardian, and other foreign press (e.g: the Indian Express before it turned apologist a la The Hindu).

c) American MSM: print (NYT, WSJ, WaPo, LATimes, Boston Globe, etc) and television (*NBC, FOX, CNN).

With this separation in hand, I think I can now restate my preference as below:

I think I am happier with one "old school" outlet (BBC) and blogs, rather than with American MSM without blogs.


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