[lbo-talk] The very worst custodians of empire

Carrol Cox cbcox at ilstu.edu
Thu Jun 29 06:15:34 PDT 2006

Marvin Gandall wrote:
> Carrol Cox wrote: [CLIP]

> It's mistaken - or, more likely in your case, a deliberate distortion - to
> paste the label of "DP supporters" on the foreheads of those US leftists who
> suggest that it is more productive to develop relationships with the larger
> mass of Democratic activists rather than with the Green party and assorted
> socialist groups who are less representative of the US working class and
> subsist on the margins of American political life.

If that isn't supporting the DP I don't know what support from the left could mean? [clip]
> Instead of your poetry and smug one liners, I'd be more interested to see
> you develop a case -

I just got the third shot of cortisone in my left elbow. If that doesn't do the trick, surgery will be required. For at least the next four to six weeks all you will get from me are one-liners and poetry.


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