>Not according to the polls which show a majority of Americans broadly share
>our views on Iraq, health care, the environment, social security, abortion,
>and other issues. The problem, Woj, is that you share Mencken's sour view of
>America as one big collective "booboisie", but Mencken's stereotype was
>wrong then and you're wrong now.
Oh hell yeah. I was doing a little research on attitudes toward unions. I can't find any of it at the moment, but if I'm remembering correctly, even as unions have been in decline, attitudes toward unions are better than ever and don't deviate that much from attitudes held by Canadians and Australians. (This was some research done last autumn IIRC.)
Yoshie has also shown in the past that you can see broad support for a lot of things we favor by looking at the NORC database.
Didn't Doug post something not too long ago re: abortion indicating that college age students are growing conservative in their attitudes toward abortion? It was done by someone at Colgate University as I recall.
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