>Carrol Cox wrote:
>>Julio Huato wrote:
>>>Massad's critique of M&W's paper misses the main points: that the
>>>policies the U.S. follows in the Middle East, whether or not
>>>determined by the influence of the Israel lobby, *contradict* the
>>>interest of the U.S. capitalists taken as a whole,
>>This is little short of a claim to divine inspiration. Neither let
>>critics nor ruling class intellectuals can reach any consensus whatever
>>on what is "the interest of the u.s. capitalists." It is unbelievable
>>arrogance for any one person to claim that he KNOWS what that interest
>This is so tiresome Carol. So very, very tiresome. Let's just say
>that Julio is starting a conversation about what those interests
>might be. It really bothers me when you attempt to put a stop to
>conversations before they even start.
It's also politically odd, since it seems to argue that there's no such thing as a US ruling class with some idea about its collective interests and some institutional way to realize them. That may be - and that's the issue I'm researching now with my ruling class project - but if it's true, that would be a very important conversation, not one worth stopping.