Also, capitalism in general has internal contradictions, so to speak, that are irreconcilable contradictions _against_ even the ruling class, _especially_ against the ruling class. Maybe the situation in the Middle East has no solution for the U.S. ruling class ( poor little ruling class). The U.S. capitalists' interests there will be in crisis if they support Israel and will be in crisis if they don't support Israel; would be in crisis there if they had supported Israel forty years ago, and would be in crisis if they hadn't supported Israel forty years ago.
Hopefully so, anyway.
A basic idea of Marxism is that the internal contradictions, horny dilemmas, of capitalism are insoluable ultimately within capitalism. The U.S.-Israel-Middle East situation may be a specific expression of this general situation.
On the other hand, a big part of the "action" in capitalist history is war, economic crisis and instability by which the ruling class creates for itself through destruction of others.