[lbo-talk] Colbert, Dafur, and Dems

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Wed May 3 12:26:53 PDT 2006

At 02:01 PM 5/3/2006, Dwayne Monroe wrote:
>Luke Weiger:
>As Harry Frankfurt would recognize, Yoshie's a
>masterful bullshitter. This doesn't mean she's always
>wrong--bullshit needn't be false--but it does mean
>she's never worth a serious listen.
>Good God.
>You step away from the mike for - what was it, a few
>months? - and this is what you offer up upon your
>triumphal return?

It was masterful use of logical fallacy, though! I mean, in order to explain the difference between yoshie and DD, it was effin' brill to pull in the comparison between Shrubya and bin Laden. This, after saying that there are useful differences between Shrubya and bin laden and they are very, very wide! But, there are not such wide difference between Shrubya and Yoshie. In fact, Shrubya's just like Yoshie -- and notice it's not that Yoshie's like Shrubya. That's a very subtle piece of manipulation that one. Yoshie, thus, is the evilest in the Oblate world!

And all of that simply to slam yoshie! OBlate, you are very very good at bullshit yourself!

Bitch | Lab http://blog.pulpculture.org

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