>You knew about Jeff Weintraub democratic socialist politics from
>Marc Cooper and if you visited Weintraub's blog from Cooper's link.
Yeah I visited it. Seems like the usual Dissentoid crap.
> If
>you followed the UK controversy over the AUT boycott of Israeli
>academics you'd have known that Engage is a Labour Party aligned org.
> Any comment on this illustration of Robert Fisk article?
>http://www.engageonline.org.uk/blog/article.php?id=392 Seen more
>clearly here
>followed up w/truly fascist images
This Harry dude is precious. I love this:
>Fisk's response is a familiar one. Merely to raise the possibility
>of racism in this context is itself a form of insidious censorship.
>The media is, for this reason - he suggests - rarely critical of
>Israel. Anti-Israel voices are consistently silenced. "Noam Chomsky,
>America's foremost moral philosopher and linguistics academic - he
>claims [is]so critical of Israel that he does not even have a
>regular newspaper column". Fisk himself once got shouted at by
>Dershowitz during an Irish radio show. And so on.
>Except that, of course, this is paranoid nonsense. There is a
>significant focus on the reporting of Israeli-Palestinian politics,
>and the media is frequently critical of Israel's policies. In fact,
>it is hard to think of any other part of the world which is more
>closely analysed and commented upon, from all perspectives.
"Harry" is a Brit, right? Does he know anything about the US press? All perspectives? Please.