[lbo-talk] In God's country

Wojtek Sokolowski swsokolowski at yahoo.com
Mon Nov 6 18:18:43 PST 2006


The author, Eyal Press, takes the position of moderation toward US religiosity, arguing that while it is omnipresent in the US life, not all of it is bad. Not all believers go in lock step with right wing fundamentalism, religion is particularly popular among the poor and ethnic minorities, and that religion was also a motivating force of social reformers.

Perhaps, but I find this whole piece rather depressing, even though I strongly agree with the idea of reason and moderation in analyzing social phenomena. However, I am really fed up with the US style religiosity, right wing, left wing and anything in between. This whole business of preaching, moralizing, guilt tripping, belief in the supernatural, public displays of piety, and assorted mountebankery and mumbo jumbo makes me nauseous and depressed. I do not want to oppose it or explain my position toward it - just do not want hear or see this shit being blasted in my face for whatever cause or intention.

I really do not give a flying fuck that poor people or for that matter Jimmy Carter frequently pray. I do not care whether they pray for good or for bad or because they have few other choices. What upsets me is, as Press reports, that nine out of ten US-sers firmly believe in the supernatural and that more people go to church than to any secular event, including all sporting events combined.

The saturation of this society and public life with religiosity poses a stark contrast with other developed nations, especially Europe, where religion is not only less visible but also less emotional and less personal. It is more of a folk tradition, a holiday, an occasion to get together and celebrate without moralizing and public displays of piety.


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