[lbo-talk] Borat

Carl Remick carlremick at hotmail.com
Sat Nov 11 08:01:39 PST 2006

>From: "Dennis Perrin" <dperrin at comcast.net>
>>That's rich coming from a guy who devoted an entire book to anatomizing
>>the work of Michael O'Donoghue, a comedian who was about as funny as a
>>chainsaw accident.
>A book that I'm sure you've never read, about an influential humorist you
>know nothing about.

Thanks, I'm sorrowfully quite familiar with the art of "Mr. Mike," having viewed his sadistic witlessness on a regular basis on SNL. Getting dragged through the swamp of MO'D's mind all over again at book-length is something I'd prefer to avoid. "Let the dead bury the dead" is my motto.

>But then, that's your shtick -- denouncing things without having the
>slightest idea what the hell they are.

Speaking of performers I denounce unseen, here's another rabble-rouser you'd probably consider a comic genius: <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andrew_Dice_Clay>


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