Liberal agony - how to have my cake and eat it too. Re: [lbo-talk] IsThere Still a Jewish Question? by Ellen Willis

Michael J. Smith mjs at
Sat Nov 11 16:30:40 PST 2006

On Saturday 11 November 2006 18:49, Jesse Lemisch wrote:
> The atmosphere on LBO is unbelievable. Two days after feminist Ellen
> Willis's death, much discussed and disputed here, with obits in the Times,
> Nation on-line, and elswhere, Steve Palmer disagrees with her views on
> anti-semitism (as I do), calls her "paranoid," and "urge]s] her to seek
> professional psychiatric assistance instead of laying her trip on the Left."
> From the grave?

You mean... there are no shrinks in the Beyond? In that case, neither I nor, one imagines, any of my Upper West Side neighbors has the slightest interest in going there.

Coincidentally, my SO and I were now just sitting around, over a glass of 'umble claret, speculating to our own vast amusement about what our kids would be saying on the couch twenty years hence. I offered the observation that psychoanalysis is like a graduate degree -- part of the expected CV -- and she responded, accurately I think, No, it's more like having a gym membership. Score one for the SO.

So I hope Ellen Willis is now in analysis with old Sigmund himself. Probably they're not getting along, at all -- but don't you think they're both having a whale of a time?

-- --Michael J. Smith --mjs at

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