Liberal agony - how to have my cake and eat it too. Re: [lbo-talk] IsThere Still a Jewish Question? by Ellen Willis

Doug Henwood dhenwood at
Sat Nov 11 20:21:39 PST 2006

On Nov 11, 2006, at 6:49 PM, Jesse Lemisch wrote:

> The atmosphere on LBO is unbelievable. Two days after feminist Ellen
> Willis's death, much discussed and disputed here, with obits in the
> Times,
> Nation on-line, and elswhere, Steve Palmer disagrees with her views on
> anti-semitism (as I do), calls her "paranoid," and "urge]s] her to
> seek
> professional psychiatric assistance instead of laying her trip on
> the Left."
>> From the grave? Apparently, though he is clearly some kind of a
>> leftist,
> what happens in the world of feminism is for him another world.
> And, so far
> as I can tell, nobody on LBO has said a word about this four hours
> later.
> What can people be thinking? If we just keep quiet, maybe that foul
> Jesse
> won't notice this, which seems to confirm so much of what he has been
> saying?

Hey it's been a lot longer than four hours, and I'm waiting for all that outrage from the feminist lists you promised!

I was working all afternoon, then met some people for dinner, so I wasn't available to police the discourse. But of course Jesse's on the beat, ready to denounce what he considers inappropriate. I thought Steve Palmer's suggestion was ill-advised, but I'm guessing most people just let it pass, as I would have, had I noticed it 9 hours ago.

Really, Jesse, where *do* you park that high horse? You live in Manhattan, so it'd probably run you $400-500/mo, unless you parked it in Jersey, which would be impractical considering how often you mount it. You'd be spending most of time on the GW Bridge if you did. Chill, man. You're not the discourse police.


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