<http://www.democracycorps.com/reports/analyses/ Democracy_Corps_November_15_2006_DC-CAF_Memo.pdf>
The Democratic Party also ended up being viewed more negatively during this election than in 2004, and slightly more negative at the end in this campaign. With the gap between the parties comparable to 1994, Democrats made big gains, but they are surely not revered. Voters are open to the Democrats, reflected in the vote and the gain on important attributes over the last two years, including ‘reform and change’, being ‘for the middle class’ and ‘new ideas’. But Democrats have only modest advantages – and are chosen by fewer than 50 percent – on key attributes such as being ‘on your side’, ‘future-oriented’ and ‘for families’. The parties are evenly divided on ‘shares your values’, unchanged from January 2005. But with this new stage, Democrats have the opportunity to be heard on their convictions, values and ideas.