[lbo-talk] Feminism and the False Memory Syndrome

Stephen E Philion philion at hawaii.edu
Sun Oct 22 17:06:12 PDT 2006

Jesse asked: "Could somebody please explain this? It would appear to be an expression of disgust that police are allowed to interfere with tired and alienated male workers' fundamental right to beat their wives."

--I see, so those who want to make sure a Bernard Baran and other such working class people who have not committed crimes of any sort, sexual or asexual, are trying to make sure police don't have the right to interfere with the right to beat wives? No, Jesse, it's more along the lines of belief that the endorsement of the panics about daycare and homosexuality are not institutionalized in American police practice. Is it really that hard to understand? People like Katha Pollitt get it, what's the big deal?

But for the brave work of people like Robert Chattelle and the National Center For Reason and Justice [ http://www.ncrj.org/ ] the phony science that informs calls for unnecessary panic stricken police policies such as 'amber alerts', compelling people who plainly were convicted on false grounds such as Bernard Baran or Gerald Amirault to walk around with monitoring bracelets, or Damon Echols on death row, etc, laws to keep 'predators' out of whole towns, etc.....Massive wastes of money that most advanced capitalist nations reject as foolish...

Jesse, I also don't believe there are nearly the number of 'missing children' that the media would have us believe exist. I guess therefore you would interpret that as meaning one supports the kidnapping of children for purposes of sexual abuse or worse. How else could one interpret the motives of those who question the numbers of organizations that promote legislation based on such numbers, much less the way their lobbying efforts invariably win police departments goodies that they don't want to put to waste and have to use to arrest someone with...

I also don't believe that drugs cause crime and poverty, or that Crack Cocaine should be treated differently than Cocaine, even though many scary statistics were cited by 'anti-drug' advocates to justify increasing police budgets and powers by 'victim advocate groups'...My bad.

And, here's the kicker. I also don't believe in Goblins!!!!


Stephen Philion Assistant Professor Department of Sociology and Anthropology St. Cloud State University St. Cloud, MN


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