Heh. "Izzy" Stone, Stalinist agent & defender of N. Korean labor camps <kimchecommierats.com> who also was part of a Soviet Asian slave/bride ring -- <http://you-may-now-rape-the-bride.net> According to David Horowitz, Izzy also forced Gentile schoolchildren to renounce America or have Drano enemas -- <self-hating-jews-who-also-hate-america.com> and this was backed by Ronald Radosh's research later pubbed by Steven Emerson in his collection, "More Insidious Terror Networks That Only I Know About" (Mossad Press, 2003). Also, an exclusive Little Green Footballs investigation showed that Izzy raped more than 600 Yeshiva students, routinely yelling out "Death to The Zionist Cancer!" when coming in their asses -- <http://littlegreenfootballs.com/weblog/arab-loving-scumbag> And some old guy once told me at a Castro bar that he blew Izzy in a bus terminal toilet stall & and that his dick tasted like rotting squid.