> I see you can't even conceive of the notion of creating things in any
> other context, for any other purpose, than a commodity exchange.
Don't be silly. The point is that there WILL BE, under any system, trade, barter exchange, whatever you want to call it.
Even if every producer produced on a charitable basis, you would have to divide up and distribute the goods fairly. Even the tiniest complexities in that process will necessitate basic barter exchange in the interest of fairness. Add the realities of an actual, modern economy and it should be obvious that trade is inevitable.
But does that inevitably lead to wage-slavery? Capitalists argue would argue just that. Capitalists say that the wage system is simply a natural outgrowth of trade. But that is bullshit.
> >Even under socialism to make a living as a jam-maker and be fair to
> >your community you have to produce commoditizable jam. Otherwise
> >you're not being fair to the people who are providing you with the
> >goods and services you want. And you're going to have to make good jam
> >and A LOT of jam, because jam is pretty easy to make so a lot of
> >people can do it and simple industrial processes can make huge
> >quantities of jam at low economic cost, so you're asking for too much
> >in return for your jam if you only make a little.
> I'm not asking anything in exchange. Get it?
So you're a jam-maker who is simply going to make jam and starve without regard to your own needs or your communty's needs.
Great idea.