[lbo-talk] Paul Craig Roberts on US class war

joanna 123hop at comcast.net
Sat Sep 30 18:42:38 PDT 2006

Chuck Grimes wrote:

>``Whites are shrinking into a minority even within their own
>countries. Massive uncontrolled legal and illegal immigration,
>together with collapsing fertility rates of whites everywhere,
>foretell a vanishing race.
Yeah, whenever I read this stuff, I think "So fucking what? Good !!!" What's the big point about the white race? Anyone can be an asshole if they try hard enough.

What's surprising to me is that some people really believe that whites are civilized as opposed to everyone else.

Ha! Ha! Ha!

>On the other hand now that process has become an accomplished fact,
>all those burgers, dishes, and `healthcare service' workers are now
>mostly immigrants and minorities (aka the working class majority). If
>by some miracle of history, the US suddenly began to reconstruct
>itself as an industrial and production giant, guess who would benefit
>most? All those struggling at the bottom. The very first day a new
>production plant employment office opened it would be swamped with the
>dark hordes---who if they were recent immigrants would be the only
>qualified work force available, since they left their countries and
>took their manual, skilled, and craft labor here for better pay. In other
>words, they (and only they) hold the exact skills and work ethic that could
>accomplish the industrial reconstruction of the US.
Probably. Fucking A!

>So, following this understanding of the conditions, leads the more astute
>racist neoliberal hegemon to the conclusion it is better to drive outsourcing
>even harder to expandthe top tier into an overlord class that
>can rule over the vast hordes below. If a few white guys get lost, too bad.
>Feed them some family values shit and forget'm.
Yeah, well good luck. I guess the solution is for the white people to be the overlords at various levels: multibillionares, prison guards, and soldiers. Somehow, I think they'll have a hard time making this work.



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